I was really looking forward for the weekend because I can attend the Korean Culture Caravan at Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman. I had this feeling that this experience will be really unforgettable. And no doubt, it was a blast!..
How did I find out this event?
I was actually reading at one of the group pages of Boices (CNBLUE's fans) and I saw a post about it. I read and found it very interesting. The amazing part was..it's for FREE. I immediately reserve my slot for this. Because of this, I met a new beautiful and kindhearted friend, Kyline Jaq. I told myself that I was so lucky to have a company in the said event.
And this was how everything went yesterday.....
credits to Korean Cultural Center of the Philippines and Korea Tourism Organization
The seminar started in singing the national anthem of the Philippines and Korea, consequently. Dr. Alfredo Pascual, President of the University of the Philippines gave the opening remarks. It was followed by a greeting speech by Cllr. Hwang Seong Un, Counsellor for Culture and Public Relations Embassy of Republic of Korea. Cllr. Seong Un was also the Director of Korean Cultural Center, he gave us the lecture about Korea with great enthusiasm.
Korea is really rich in culture and history. They balance traditional and modern cultural life. Their norms are also admirable, especially their respect for the elders. Aside from those, we know that Korea is also a place where you can find a lot of delicious food. There are really a lot more about Korea aside from famous Hallyu stars and K-dramas.
They also gave a presentation for "Why Korea for Your Educational Trip?". They really had good facilities and safe place to stay and to study. There was a short open forum after the presentation.
We were also entertained by a traditional fan dance of KCC's traditional fan dance team, followed by Kpop dance performance courtesy of Ms. Dasuri Choi and company.
Then, the moment that everyone was waiting for ...... Raffle time!
A new friend, Kimberly won the KCC shirt, others won other collectibles, kpop albums and the luckiest person in that room won a TRIP TO KOREA. wow! Korean Cultural Center of the Philippines and Korea Tourism Organization were so generous to grace that big prize.
They really introduced South Korea very well. I felt like I got sold by them. :) I feel like I want to go there as soon as possible! oh my! I think I need to save more. ;( Someday, I know I will go there.. Korea, you are surely included in my bucket list. ^-^
(to be continued.....)